How to Find a Great Real Estate Lawyer

4 Easy Steps to Locating the Best Real Property Attorneys

Finding a great real estate attorney is not something that you leave to chance.  Investing the time to find, and build, a successful client/attorney relationship will last a lifetime.  This article will help you use your search time wisely and find the attorney you deserve.   

We have broken down the process of finding a great real estate attorney into four steps:

  1. The Search
  2. The interview
  3. The Analysis
  4. The Decision

The Search

The first step in your search for a great real estate attorney is to clearly identify your specific real property needs.  Real estate is not simply about buying and selling real property.  Other real estate needs include: title disputes, breach of contract/contract disputes, landlord/tenant disputes, easements, transfers of title & ownership, property liens, insurance litigation and more.

After you determine your specific needs contact your State and Local Bar Associations and use their referral services to help you find a real estate attorney. State bar associations maintain records on complaints and/or disciplinary actions taken against attorneys licensed in their states.  To find a listing of state bar associations visit the American Bar Association website  ( .  The website lists the state bar associations.

The next step in the search process is to visit the websites of each real estate attorney.  Read the attorney bios and write down the years of experience, background and law schools in which your candidate attended. Is the information clear?  Do you feel comfortable with the content?  Does the website look professional?  What credentials are discussed?  Use this information to create your first ranking.

After you’ve done your initial online research talk to friends, family or colleagues and ask for recommendations.  You may be asking, “why don’t I ask my personal contacts before researching online?”  We recommend doing independent research first to avoid limiting your selection process. Let’s face it, if someone gives you a legal referral, you’re likely path is to look that referral up online and then end your search if the website looks good.  You won’t think about better options.  By starting your search with a clean slate, the population of potential real estate attorneys expands and increases the odds of finding the right attorney for you.

After you’ve done your independent search compare the personal referrals you receive and see if those real estate attorneys match the attorneys you found on your search. If so, move those attorneys up on your ranking sheet.  If the referrals are not the same as your independent searches check the referrals for any complaints or disciplinary actions with the State and Local Bar Associations.  Consider what made you not choose those attorneys during your initial search.  If the referrals get a clean bill of health from the Bar Association add her/him to your ranking sheet.

The Interview  

Use your ranking sheet to set up a free consultation with each attorney on the list.  If one or more of your candidates don’t offer free consultations determine if they should be removed from consideration.  Why pay for a consultation when you don’t have to?  We suggest scheduling as many consultations as you can in a single day.  It’s far easier to compare candidates while the meetings are in the forefront of your memory. 

It’s important to come prepared for your consultation.  Remember an attorney’s time is money.  Organize all documents you want to present to the real estate attorney.  After the initial introductions get to the point of why you need her/his services. Bring a written outline of questions. Include names, addresses and dates of events, if necessary.  It should go without saying to come with a pad and pen to take notes. 

Some questions you may consider asking include:

Legal fees – How are going to be billed, hourly, or is there a flat fee for the service?

Availability – Does the attorney have the time to represent you?   

Timeline – How long will it take to begin the process? What is a reasonable expectation for a conclusion?  Does the attorney foresee any issues moving forward?

Odds of success – No attorney can guarantee an easy path to success, but they should give you an idea if your case has merit and prior outcomes of success with similar cases they’ve handled.

The Analysis

Now that you have answers to all your questions it’s time to sit down and compare the answers.  As you go through this process use your instincts to guide you as well as the answers in front of you.  How do you feel about the answers you received?  Are some answers more complete, and detailed, than others?  How did you feel when talking about your case?  Did the attorney make you feel important or did she/he discourage you?  Did the attorney use too many legal terms that made you feel lost? As you weigh the answers you will start to revise your ranking order based on who you prefer and who you should immediately eliminate. 

With the remaining candidates on your ranking list compare the fee structure.  If there is not a material difference between the candidates consider if the price difference changes your ranking order. Also review the availability of the attorneys and make sure your schedule coincides with his/her availability. 

How much did you personally like the attorney? How much did the attorney like you?  We’re all humans and we tend to go the extra mile when we like who we’re working with.  I hired an attorney who offered me an option to save money by changing the fee structure in the middle of the engagement.  Being pleasant and professional with your attorney does pay off.

The Decision

After you’ve finalized your analysis it’s time to decide on an attorney.  Before contacting the attorney tell a family member, friend or colleague why you chose your attorney.  Stating your reasons out loud will either reinforce your decision or let you know you have more analysis to do.  Once you’re confident with your decision reach out to your selection and ask her/him for an engagement letter.  This document should include items such as:  description of the legal services being provided, fees, retainer policies, costs and expenses, billing polices, and what happens if you don’t pay.

Review any documents your attorney provides you and ask as many questions as needed before signing.

 Never sign a document without fully understanding each parties’ rights, obligations and responsibilities. 

Now that you have your new attorney trust her/his process.  Good luck.